Never Put This Person in a Hunter Sales Role20170421022836

Never Put This Person in a Hunter Sales Role

In this series, I identify a group of sales candidates who, when hired, fail to meet expectations. But they all have one thing in common: they intervi...
Watch Out for This Tricky Sales Candidate20170327162604

Watch Out for This Tricky Sales Candidate

In this series of articles, I identify types of salespeople who fail to meet expectations. But they all have one thing in common: they interview well....
10 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Salesperson Right Now20170314174712

10 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Salesperson Right Now

We all want to improve as sales professionals and skill development is a lifelong process. Here are ten things you can do right now to become a better...
5 Behaviors of Stellar Salespeople You Should Replicate Now20170308154304

5 Behaviors of Stellar Salespeople You Should Replicate Now

We desire to be stellar salespeople. But what are the common characteristics of superstars? Some traits deal with internal factors such as personality...
4 Simple Steps for Upselling Your Customers20170201180421

4 Simple Steps for Upselling Your Customers

Upselling is vital to leveraging more sales with your existing customers? Apart from simply asking for more business, the goal is to develop or reinfo...
Why Bad Salespeople Get Hired20170113141605

Why Bad Salespeople Get Hired

Bad salespeople get hired everyday. Unfortunately, they can devastate a sales team and a company's reputation. Here are a few reasons why bad salespeo...
Hire Better Sales Reps By Adding This20161102132324

Hire Better Sales Reps By Adding This

Every sales leader wants to hire better sales reps. Sadly, looking back on a new sales rep’s first six months you realize that the interview was...
7 Reasons Sales Managers Fail20161024200425

7 Reasons Sales Managers Fail

Why do sales managers fail? Let’s face it, the job of a sales manager is one of the toughest occupations in business. Part strategic and part ta...
9 Smart Questions Successful Sales Managers Ask Before Recruiting Salespeople20161011161510

9 Smart Questions Successful Sales Managers Ask Before Recruiting Salespeople

Successful sales managers know how to hire right and build a sales team. I get calls every day about hiring salespeople. I always respond with: Descri...
8 Intelligent Questions for Evaluating Your Sales Reps Performance20160831142429

8 Intelligent Questions for Evaluating Your Sales Reps Performance

Evaluating your sales reps is like evaluating an athlete. No experienced football coach would ever consider sending his team onto the field without be...